Is there a word for "underneath a tree"?

Is there an adjective to describe an object (edit: e.g. a dog house or a headstone; the object is not necessarily a living thing) on the ground and underneath a tree? I thought of "treeside", but its meaning is obviously a bit different.

Solution 1:

Bosky (literary) 1. Covered by bushes, shrubs or trees. 2. Shaded by trees or bushes.

Embower To cover with a bower; to shelter with trees. [Written also {imbower}.]

Solution 2:

Subarboreal is pretty close in strict definition, and could be extended to being used simply as an adjective to describe something as being beneath a tree. It is normally used to describe a species of animal or plant.

def: living or thriving under trees

See also: arboreal (leaving in/among or relating to trees)

From Latin arbor (tree) -> arboreus (of trees) and sub (beneath)