Words for political without party affiliation?

Solution 1:

You can often describe a "neutral" but politically-inflected organization or initiative as nonpartisan. Common usages might include "the nonpartisan ballot initiative" or "nonpartisan think-tank."

Solution 2:

You could describe yourself as independent

Solution 3:

What about civic activism or engagement:

  • Civic engagement means working to make a difference in the civic life of our communities and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation to make that difference. It means promoting the quality of life in a community, through both political and non-political processes.

(The New York Times)

Civic vs civil:

  • Civic is an adjective which describes an object or person as having to do with a city or town, or that the object was created or came from a city or town. It specifically has to do with the government of a city or the duties involved with running a city.

  • Civil is an adjective describing an object or a person relating to citizenship or a citizen (i.e., a member of the community) as opposed to the military or church leadership. Civil rights are things that every person of the community has the right to. This term is not discussing human rights, which are things each human on Earth is entitled to, without the need to be a member of a community.

(The Grammarist)