How can I switch tabs in Chrome Remote Desktop?

Alt tab switches the tab of the local computer unfortunately. Any workarounds?

Current build of chrome remote desktop web app.

If you go fullscreen you can use alt + tab normally. It captures the keys when in fullscreen only.

fullscreen button

I use another program to get this functionality: AutoHotkey

Then I remapped Alt+Tab to Alt+A, Win+D to Alt+D ...


Local computer control: Alt+Tab; Win+D; Win+R (no change)

Remote computer control: Alt+A; Alt+D; Alt+R (or as you define)

So you install AutoHotkey to your remote computer. Add AutoHotkey script (text file renamed to .ahk) to startup apps (Win+R shell:startup)

The script (script.ahk) contains this:

LAlt & A::AltTab

!R::Send #r

!D::Send #d

You can find help on scripting here: AutoHotkey: DOcumentation: Remapping Keys and Buttons

I use program AutoHot Key too, but on 2 computers: local and remote. On the local machine Alt+Tab i remapped to Alt+q On the remote machine Alt+q i remapped to Alt+Tab And! On the local machine i want to use Alt+Tab to other application(s) as previously used The script on the local machine looks like:

$!Tab:: ; Alt+Tab

If WinActive("Basement - Google Chrome")

  Send, !q


Send, {Alt Down}{Tab}


The script on the remote machine (Basement) looks like:

$!q:: Send, {Alt Down}{Tab}