What do you call the people getting married in a wedding?

What do you call the people getting married at a wedding, i.e., the bride(s) and groom(s)? I was going to call them the "celebrants" but then I found out that "celebrant" is used for the preacher or whoever officiates at the ceremony. I want a word for the people who are taking the vows.

P.S. Is there a Latin-based word analogous to "officiant" or "celebrant"? The officiant read the wedding vows to the ________s?

What about "the principals"? Would that work?

Betrothed seems right:

(adj.) "engaged to be married,"

(n.) "the person to whom one is engaged;" e.g., "The preacher read the vows to the betrothed."

Source: Collins English Dictionary, via Dictionary.com