What is a word that means related to moons?

I'm looking for a word that means "relating to moons" or "pertaining to moons".

The context of the sentence is "I need to make a intermoonary injection burn in 10 seconds".

I'm looking for a word like intergalactic, interstellar or interplanetary but relating to moons. Not explicitly Luna, our moon, which would be lunar.

The options I've looked at are lunar (which only relates to Earth's moon), satellitic and moonary. None of them seem right.

I'm not convinced we couldn't use lunar in this context. While lunar originated with reference to our specific moon, so did solar (from our Sol/Sun), yet we refer to our solar system, and even NASA mentions, "There are billions of stars and countless solar systems in our galaxy."

I think it's perfectly reasonable to describe an eclipse observed from the surface of another planet, by that planet's moon, using the term lunar eclipse. The term would take on a relative meaning, depending on the planet from which the eclipse was observed. It's not like we call it a Lunar eclipse, after all.

Now, whether "interlunar", or similar, could be coined, is another matter. However, I think a reader would immediately understand what is being conveyed.