how to copy from excel to outlook and keep the format?

Sometimes I copy a part of an microsoft excel file to microsoft outlook, the format is ok, but sometimes it's wrong -- there are extra white spaces before the content of each cell so that it looks like for each row in excel, after pasting to outlook there's an extra row.

What can I do to make the copy & paste work?

I assume you mean pasting Excel data into email body.

1) In order to not mess formats I select part of the sheet I want to copy, classic Ctrl+C and use special paste in Outlook 2010, ie. right click and choose paste as 'picture'. Usually works ok, but if not:

2) Alternatively you can try another copy mode (Excel 2010+). Select range in Excel then find on the ribbon the 'Copy' icon, click on small triangle on the right and choose 'Copy as Picture'. Then you can select several options regarding details: as on screen or as printed, and picture or bitmap. The picture format can be easily scaled after pasting it to Word or Outlook, while keeping original formatting. Try experimenting.

just to share my methode.

I will copy from excel and paste into Word.

then only I copy the whole thing again and paste it into my Outlook.

hope this help.

I assume that the problem could also be described as there are non-visible characters in each cell prior to the actual numerical data and that results in the cell being 2 rows high instead of just one. Placing your cursor to the left of the actual numerical data and pressing 'backspace' about 4 times deletes those unwanted characters. By doing that for each cell in a row, the row will be reduced back to just one line as would normally be expected (i.e. teh preceding blank line is eliminated). the method I just described is the way in which I used to resolve this problem, but when there are many numerical cells in the table, this becomes quite tedious.

I have found a quicker method is to simply select all the numerical cells in the table that was pasted into the email message and click on the text center button (or type Ctrl-E) followed by the text right button (or type Ctrl-R). this appears to eliminate all the non-visible characters reducing the row height and properly left-align the numbers. The above was assumes a PC and Office 365.

Copying as a picture is NOT a solution, folks!  You want the table to be editable when sending to someone.

I don't know why this works, but it does:

  1. Hide the first column in the spreadsheet. If you have to, add a column before A column and then hide it.
  2. Filter data if needed that you want to email
  3. Highlight all cells. I do this from bottom right to top left.
  4. Copy (Ctrl+C)
  5. Right click Outlook / New Email Icon (running at bottom)
  6. Type in name of person to email in the TO box
  7. Move to body of message and hit Enter twice (don't type anything).  Paste table (Ctrl+V).