How to view Silverlight traffic in Safari Web Developer?

I'm running a Silverlight application in my browser. The app communicates to a web server over HTTPS. I want to see the communication between the app and the webserver. Now when I open Web Developer I can see the requests being made. However, when I try to inspect the response from the webserver, a spinner is shown and it stays like that. How can I view the response in Safari 7?

Safari 7 Web Inspector - Response spinner

Solution 1:

Web Inspector doesn't show network traffic for legacy plug-ins. It is simply not reported to the user interface, which is why you can't see it.

Feel free to file a bug about this at:

Solution 2:

I can't understand if your app do a XmlHTTPRequest.

Anyway... in the resource section (red circle in the image) you can find all the information about a request, even its response.

From timeline section you can easily find all the request

You can access also from resources section

Hope this will help you! :)

PS: Sorry, my GUI is in italian, but you will understand as well

Solution 3:

If you click on Network Requests (in recording mode) you will see list of all request in the table. If you select a row it is highlighted in the resource section. Clicking on it will show its body.

click on the resource name to see its bodyShowing json body