How can I stop Pokémon from calling allies?

From this question's answer, it looks like Pokémon can call for help an unlimited number of times. This is great for quickly getting EVs or finding rarer Pokémon, but it interferes when I'm trying to catch the Pokémon I found, since I can't throw a ball when there are two Pokémon on the opposite side of the field.

For instance, last night, I was attempting to catch a Golbat to fill out my Pokédex since I didn't feel like evolving my Zubat. However, while weakening the Golbat, it called for help. For roughly 5-6 turns in a row, I would KO its ally Golbat and it would call another in the same turn, making it impossible to catch.

Is there a way to prevent Pokémon from calling for help, to prevent situations like this?

Solution 1:

High HP (as % of total) Pokémon are less likely to call for help.

A major status ailment (poison/badly poison, sleep, burn, paralysis, but NOT confusion, attraction, etc) prevents calls for help.