How do I change my Sims 3 installed content and saved games location?

I'm guessing the game has been hard coded to use C:\ instead of checking where the documents directory is, you could use a NTFS Symbolic Link to workaround it. This will essentially create a shortcut, that programs will actually follow it properly.

To create one you will need to open a command prompt as admin. To do that just open the Start menu, type "cmd" and press Control + Shift + Enter. From there the basic command your going to want is

mklink /D "C:\Users\[you]\Documents" "D:\Users\[you]\Documents"

Of course supplement the directories for the ones you're using. You can either do it for the entire Documents directory or just for The Sims 3 data. In other words, move the Sims 3 folder, for example, to drive D before entering the above command.

Hi I had the same problem with installing it into A Drive and then there was still files in C. I came across a website that helped me. Dracs got part of the Symbolic link right but this one works 100% and I've used it.

It is possible if you make a symbolic link.

First move the entire The Sims 3 folder to where you want. For example in D:\Sims3. Do not leave a The Sims 3 folder behind, if it is there the next step will fail.

Next open a command console with admin rights (UAC): 1. Click the Start button 2. Type CMD in the Start Search box 3. Press and hold down [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Enter]

Type mklink /J "C:\Users\you\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3" "D:\The Sims 3"

This will make a junction (symbolic hard link) to D:\Sims3 from the original location. It will recreate the folder you moved in the first step, but now as a symbolic link. Think of this as a folder level shortcut.

Windows and all programs will think the files are still in documents, but in reality they will be in D:\Sims3 now.

If you already moved My Documents, use the new path instead of the C:\Users location.

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