How can I watch Netflix on Opera via the built-in VPN?

Edit with updated info -

As of September 2019, you can in fact use the built-in VPN in Opera to watch European Netflix from the USA.

Netflix on Ubuntu 16/18 LTS and Opera should work fine. However, you'll need to copy the libffmpeg file from Google Chrome. Albeit Opera is built on Chromium, Opera does not contain all proprietary files due to licensing issues. You can fix this by installing Google Chrome alongside Opera, then running the command

sudo cp /usr/lib/chromium-browser/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera/

This will allow you to watch Netflix. Now regarding the VPN, that's a whole different issue. Netflix has zoning restrictions so you'll have to experiment with that on your own.

As of July 2021 you Definitely can NOT use Opera VPN to connect to Netflix. Not from N. America to Europe/Asia that is. It might allow it for a short period of time, as was my experience testing with multiple accounts, all of which were quickly thwarted by Netflix. From my first VPN sign-in, on any of three accounts, the average time it took Netflix to bust me was about 5 minutes. I almost got half-way thru a Rick & Morty episode, on my longest & first (coincidence? Doubt it) attempt. The final attempt w/the 3rd account was about 2 mins. All of this was from the same PC tho, & that's telling us that Opera's VPN is leaky, which is not surprise considering it's not actually a VPN, it's kind of a proxy to a VPN, & Netflix can easily figure this out these days. You're gonna have to cough-up cash to get Global Netflix action in 2021