How to setup Code::Blocks for GLFW development?

When I want to create a project in Code::Blocks I get a popup with a lots of options. One of them is GLFW project. When I select that I have to name my project and set its location, that is not a problem for me, but than I get this window asking me to select GLFW's location: enter image description here

I (think I) installed GLFW by typing: "sudo apt-get install libglfw-dev" into the terminal.

What should I type to that window?

Result of `sudo dpkg -L libglfw-dev


Ok after much search I couldn't find a direct way using the glfw project template on code::blocks but I saw this tutorial that did that using another means so I hope this help and note after installing glfw via apt it seems not able to find what it needs after adding the path /usr.


  1. Install the following:

    sudo apt install libglew-dev
    sudo apt install libglm-dev
    sudo apt install libsdl2-dev
    sudo apt install libglfw-dev
  2. Create a console application and build and run it

  3. Then add the required libraries from the menu projects --> build options, select the project name on the left (important), then go the the Linker Settings tab and use the Add button to add the needed libraries such as GL etc.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

Link to video source: