How to I apply a patch to the kernel?

Solution 1:

The best way how to apply a patch is installing a new kernel binary. That's the easier way for most of the population. If you have Ubuntu 12.10, the last kernel binary could be found here: -

Under directory "v3.6.3-quantal" (date 21-Oct-2012 18:04). Your referenced patch date is Wed, 25 Apr 2012, so I guess that the 3.6.3 will already contain it (will check in a few moments).

In order to install the kernel packages, please follow steps described here: - How do I add the kernel PPA?

Solution 2:

You have basically two options.

  1. First, to find a prebuilt kernel which includes that patch.

    If the patch is good (i.e. accepted by the community), there is a possibility that someone already distributes kernels with it. (Maybe even, in the best case, the latest distributions' releases include it already.)

    However, as you may know, installing binary files from varios third parties has all sorts of trust issues.

  2. Compile the kernel yourself.

    In this case be sure to read carefully.