Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 for ubuntu-based OS like Lubuntu, Bodhi Linux
I find that Netflix flickers with the video driver that comes with the Lubuntu 20.04.2 LTS installation. Same thing with Bodhi Linux. The streaming quality is not as good as when using the driver that comes with Windows 10. This is unfortunate and one of the things preventing me from leaving Windows.
There seems to be no proprietary driver. Any suggestions? My internet connection is fine in all systems.
Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
Solution 1:
My old Thinkpad T410 still runs flawlessly (with Netflix). Intel graphics does not need a proprietary driver, but I'd check if Lubuntu has the XCompmgr (the xfwm compositor) activated. The xfwm compositor handles vsync really badly.
To check, execute:
inxi -Gxx | grep compositor
in a terminal.
If it is the XCompmgr, try compton or compiz on Lubuntu.