Access 2010: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression

In Access you need parentheses when you have more than one join:

FROM (drugs as a 
  INNER JOIN warehouse as b
    ON a.ID = b.drug_id) 
  INNER JOIN pharmacy as c 
    ON b.drug_id = c.drug_id

Just wanted to add that it gets even more messy when you have more than 2 Inner Joins. Then you need to add an extra parentheses at the beginning and to the end of each of the Inner Joins (except the last one)


 FROM ((drugs as a 
  INNER JOIN warehouse as b
    ON a.ID = b.drug_id) 
  INNER JOIN pharmacy as c1 
    ON b.drug_id1 = c1.drug_id)
  INNER JOIN pharmacy as c2 
    ON b.drug_id2 = c2.drug_id