How do we find where the rsync is scheduled and how can we reschedule it?

Solution 1:

Sadly rsync doesn't automatically log somewhere every time it is being used. Some detective work will be required.

A good bet is that rsync is being run from "cron" somewhere. (cron is a system that periodically runs a command line or script. For example, I have an hourly cron job that updates a database, and a daily cron job that runs my backup scripts.)

Cron (actually crond) keeps a log of all the commands ("jobs") that it runs in /var/log/cron. (Some Unix/Linux systems put it in a different place. Check the man page.) You can cat that file to examine it (it is a textfile.)

Cron's configuration is stored in /etc or /var/spool/cron or both depending on your Unix/Linux system. The man page will help, as will doing something like

find /etc /var -name '*cron*'

You can look for rsync in those files by doing something like:

grep rsync -R /etc /var/spool/cron

However the cron job might be calling a script which calls rsync. That script name might not include the letters "rsync". It might be called "backup" or "update" or maybe it is named after the system the data is being pushed too or pulled from.

If your system uses "systemd", there is a chance that it is being run from there. Check those configurations by greping /etc recursively.

If none of that works there are two "desperation mode" things you could do.

  1. Remove the rsync command to force the backup to fail. The error message might appear in email (cron emails the owner of the job when something goes wrong) or in syslog. You could just do:
mv /usr/bin/rsync /usr/bin/rsync.NOT
# wait a while, see what happens.

# Revert the change
mv /usr/bin/rsync.NOT /usr/bin/rsync
  1. Replace rsync with a wrapper script that logs what it is doing then calls the real rsync.

Create a file called /usr/bin/rsync.wrapper which contains:

echo "$@" >>/var/tmp/my.rsync.log
pwd >>/var/tmp/my.rsync.log
exec /usr/bin/rsync.REAL "$@"

Now install the wrapper:

touch /var/tmp/my.rsync.log
chmod a+w /var/tmp/my.rsync.log
chmod a+rx /usr/bin/rsync.wrapper
mv /usr/bin/rsync /usr/bin/rsync.REAL
ln -s /usr/bin/rsync.wrapper /usr/bin/rsync

When you are done, revert those changes with

rm /usr/bin/rsync
mv /usr/bin/rsync.REAL /usr/bin/rsync

FYI: I don't recommend these last 2 ideas (removing rsync, using a wrapper). They are dangerous and could mess up your system. However, if all else fails, the wrapper solution should do the trick!