Exchange 2010 POP3/IMAP4/Transport services complaining that they can't find SSL certificate after blue screen
Solution 1:
Go to Services, and look at the "Log On As" column for these 3 services:
- Microsoft Exchange IMAP4
- Microsoft Exchange POP3
- Microsoft Exchange Transport
By default, they will all use "Network Service".
Then run mmc.exe elevated and add the Certificates snap-in for the local computer. Right-click the relevant certificate (e.g. and click "Manage Private Keys..." in the pop-up menu. Ensure that the relevant account (e.g. NETWORK SERVICE) has Read permission; it doesn't need Full Control, so that won't affect this issue whether it's ticked or not, but I recommend only giving Read access (principle of least privilege).
Then restart the relevant services for this change to take effect.