Why linux generates ARP broadcast for packets that match the LAN route?

I have two physical devices, a router and an access point, both installed with OpenWRT.

The router has two interfaces, one for LAN (, the other for WAN. The AP also has two interfaces, one for LAN (, the other for for WiFi ( The two LAN interfaces are connected with a wire.

On the router, a route for WiFi is set up:

ip route add via

When I ping on the router, I hope that the echo request would go through the wire with a source IP and a destination IP, and the router would get an echo reply back, but it turns out the router generates ARP broadcasts asking for the MAC address for which is sent to AP's LAN interface and then ignored.

How could I make the router work as intended?

The problem is you didn't tell your router where to send the packets, to which device that has access to that network.

You used the IP you have on the same host that can't access the network so you are basically telling him to use himself as router for that network, it then sends ARP through the NIC that has the local IP you specified, trying to find the device with IP connected to the same physical network(switch) as NIC.

If you add the route with specifying the remote host in via section then everything should work.

ip route add via

You then tell your router to send the packets that need to go to network to device that has IP, that is on the same network, and then that device will handle the routing to other network.