Denied file read access on file I own and have full r/w permissions on

I received an email with a plain text attachment (named 'noname') via Gmail and downloaded it using Chrome from It's a recurring automated report. Everyday I get the file , download it, open it, read it, and enjoy my life. Some days like today I get the file, download it and TextEdit on OS X won't let me open it.

TextEdit reports "The document "noname.txt" could not be opened. You don't have permissions."

A Get Info in Finder shows permissions:

ram (Me) Read & Write
Staff Read only
Everyone Read only

From a terminal I can do whatever I want to it (read, write, rename...). An ls -l shows:
-rw-r--r--@ 1 ram staff

An ls -le shows the same (i.e, no ACLs shown).

What gives?

From debugging a different problem (which showed up as deny file-read-data in the Console, see the other answer), it seems that sandboxd prevents sandboxed applications from reading quarantined data, so I think you'd need to remove the attribute with: xattr -d /path/to/file (see for instance You'd need to prefix the command with sudo if the file didn't belong to your user, but according to your info it does.

The other user reported that using a non-sandboxed application fixed the problem, and this would confirm that sandboxing is at fault.

An aside: When ls reports extended attributes with @ next to the permission field, you don't need ls -le file, but instead ls -l@ file.