How to get rid of my spamming notification?

The DivX player has installed a junk notification on my Mac saying:

A new version of DivX is available.

as shown below:

A new version of DivX is available - Update Now / What's New

This stupid notification bumps up every hour or so, and there is no way to turn it off (there's no disable option when I click on it's icon). I don't want and don't need their software. I can't see the player in my Notification panel.

enter image description here

Question: How to prevent DivX from spamming me with notifications?

Removing DivX and DivXUpdate

If you'd like to remove the DivX app along with its DivXUpdate, you need to uninstall the software.


Uninstaller you can find in /Applications/DivX folder and run Uninstall DivX for

Manual Removal

If above folder and uninstaller doesn't exist, just remove:

/Library/Application Support/DivX/

To remove the associated launchd services, check first which one are registered by this Terminal command:

launchctl list | grep divx

Then disable or remove them. The following two commands will remove the jobs:

launchctl remove com.divx.update.agent
launchctl remove com.divx.dms.agent

After you may consider removing these service files from /Library/LaunchAgents (called divx).

sudo rm /Library/LaunchAgents/com.divx.update.agent.plist # For Update
sudo rm /Library/LaunchAgents/com.divx.dms.agent.plist # For DivXMediaServer

Killing notification popup

Then kill the annoying update app, type this command in Terminal:

killall DivXUpdate