Health data keeps disappearing without reason

I'm using an iPhone 5 (running iOS 8.3) and update my health data manually with 'add data' feature. However in some mornings when I open health application, all data seems missing. Charts, dashboard settings, everything. Like I opened for the first time. If I reset or restart my phone, data comes back.

Has anyone experienced this? If yes, is there a solution to keep it from happening?

Update: I didn't restart my phone intentionally and my dashboard is still empty.

Update 2: Issue is not happening for some time now. May close the question with some answer soon.

Update 3: Still present with iOS 9.0.1 upto some extent. I'm starting to think it's a bug and slowly being ironed out.

Update 4: Still happens with iOS 9.1, however less frequently. Let's wait and see what iOS 9.2 brings.

Solution 1:

Give it an hour then open it again.
For some reason, it can take a long time to catch up.

Don't try to force it - I did that once in the early days & lost about 3 weeks of data - which replaced itself with a marathon 79,000 steps in one day, then 20 days of no info.

I've noticed it is a lot better since iOS 8.3, in fact, I'd forgotten it used to do it until your post reminded me.