Edit Table of Contents in Preview?

Solution 1:

You could use a combination of tools to remove the old ToC, and attach a new one:

  • use PDF SAM ("split and merge"; it's FOSS and cross-platform) to take off the old ToC;
  • use PDF Outliner ($4.99 in Mac App store) to generate a new one.

See other helpful tools in another Q&A.

Solution 2:

Preview does not support this.

You need more advanced PDF editing software, like Adobe Acrobat Pro or PDF Outliner.

Solution 3:

Well, as has stated by others, preview cannot edit toc.

I tried PDF SAM. To be honest, I think it's a bit user-unfriendly.

Give it a try on Foxit Reader, free and elegant as on Windows platform, as shown below.

Foxit Reader TOC Edit Sample