What's the word for "overly proud of your education"?

A friend and I are trying to remember a word to describe someone who is overly proud of their education. An example usage would be:

Does that email make me appear too ___?

Where the ___ is the word I am looking for, in case that is not obvious. He thought the word was "erudite" but when that appears to just mean educated, it doesn't convey the sense of condescending pride we are looking for.

What is the word I we are looking for?

Solution 1:

In your example, I would probably use the word smartass or a more milder smartypants.

I think condescending, a word you used later in your question, conveys perfectly well what you're trying to ask.

Does that email make me sound too condescending?

Solution 2:

I was going to say "pretentious".

Perhaps pompous would be a good fit here.

Solution 3:

I sometimes say, "pardon me if this sounds a bit professorial..."

'Hifalutin' is the closest I can think of...pretentious?