An English expression for 'femme fatale'

Femme fatale, meaning "an attractive and dangerous woman", is a French expression which has become part of the English language roughly since the beginning of the 20th century. Is there another English word or idiomatic expression which conveys the same meaning?

Solution 1:

The English expression for femme fatale is femme fatale. No joke.

Solution 2:

Consider vamp and maneater.

vamp: a seductive woman who uses her sensuality to exploit men; femme fatale

A maneater is the female equivalent of a player. An irresistible woman who chews and spits out men after using them for some sort of gain -- be it sexual, financial, or psychological.

maneater: Slang. femme fatale

Alternately, mantrap might also fit for what you're looking for.

mantrap: Slang. a woman considered dangerously seductive and scheming; femme fatale