What do you call someone who is addicted to a Q&A website?

Solution 1:

New and Improved; Made-Up Definitions:

Altruistic Vampire -one who subsists on the dopamine released when they help another; for whatever personal motivation: an addict of altruism; someone addicted to answering questions online. -Similar and often found in conjunction, though not to be confused with: Stack Exchange; Rep-Whore.

Cyber Vampire -one who subsists on the dopamine released when they telecommunicate with other people; someone addicted to interpersonal relations which can only be found online.

Until I looked it up, this is what I thought Help Vampire meant (apparently it means ne'er-do-well).

Any 'new' word is just window dressing for the word addict. Like this 5yo question that seems to be getting along just fine: How addicted to Stack Overflow are you?.

Internet traffic tracking sites have a category for addicts. IIRC, of the two SE sites that are on the top 100 list, ~50% of its users are addicts. I hope I can safely make the assumption that way more of that 50% are altruistic than help. Therefor I just call myself them (for good or evil) a

Stack Exchange Addict.

For a definitive answer we'd need to know why they're addicted; are they a rep whore or one of the two vampires? We need more information to narrow down this obsession. However once we have it, we no longer need this mysterious all encompassing word for "someone who is addicted to a Q&A website".

Although fitting, I believe it would be a stretch to call them trolls. It would be immediately misunderstood; crossing this bridge requires you to read my answer to your question.

We're all trolls. It just depends on which side of the Schwartz you're on; the Up side or the Down side.

Solution 2:

Having grown up in the 60's and 70's, and surviving all the addictions of the 80's and 90's, I'm ready to settle down and be a




1A pile of objects, typically one that is neatly arranged:

"The screen on my MacBook pro 4, is cluttered with stacks of windows, each stacked with 12 tabs of StackExchange pages, so that I can easily move from question to question. Of course, my desk is swamped with stacks of dictionaries, thesauruses and sundry reference books, because stackexchange has stacks of questions to answer."



The head regarded as the location of intellect, imagination, and memory:

"I have all the irregular verbs in Webster's Ninth Collegiate Dictionary conjugated in my head."

informal A headache, especially one resulting from intoxication.

"I woke up this morning with a splittin' head, and my wife had the gall to turn the lights on."

a person who is addicted to any or all mind altering substances.

"I started as an egg head, worked my way through pot head, meschead, acidizer and crack head, so I have just enough brain cells left to be a stackhead."


: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/stack

: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/american_english/head

: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=head

Cred to Mazura who suggested the phrase at 3:07 on Dec 6.