List files and sort them manually Notepad++

I saw similar questions, but not one that resolves my need. I´m using Notepad++. I´m working with more than 50 files taking advantage (for navigation, aka, go to one file to other) of the “Document Panel” (left column with all my files). But, since I´m adding files, and I need to ORDER (sort) manually some of these files… I´m stuck! Anyone knows a good plugin for that or how to resolve it? I need to have an easy list with all my files and can sort them (change position) as I need. For example, move x file close to y file to not stay “jumping” from one part of the panel list to other. Thanks a lot.

List files and sort them manually Notepad++

I need to ORDER (sort) manually some of these files… I´m stuck! Anyone knows a good plugin for that or how to resolve it? I need to have an easy list with all my files and can sort them (change position) as I need. For example, move x file close to y file to not stay “jumping” from one part of the panel list to other.

I've included a couple different methods to help you potentially:

  1. Easily sort all opened tabs in Notepad++ by either Name, Path, or Type.

    • Depending on your need, sorting by one of these fields may help you be able to more quickly sort or move them around with the moving of the tabs.
  2. Easily get a full list of all tabs in Notepad++ without needing to scroll through those with the actual tabs in the tab bar or the arrows next to the tab bar.

    • Depending on your need, getting to the needed tab more quickly this way may help you be able to more quickly sort or move itaround with the moving of its tab.


It appears that Notepad++ has a built-in order tabs by file name in ascending or descending order.

Below are some screen shots with examples but here are the navigation steps:

Up top select Window | Windows, and then in the Windows window options, click on the Name column to sort in either ascending or descending order, and then click the Sort tabs option and OK when complete.

Using Sort Tabs Option

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Anitmated Gif (click to enlarge)

enter image description here


When in Notepad++ and you click on an active sheet, press and hold down on Ctrl and then press Tab to bring up the tabs list. At this point keep Ctrl held down and press Tab however many times to toggle to the next tab in the list. You can also use the down arrow rather than Tab after you press Ctrl + Tab once and then use the down arrow rather than Tab to toggle through the tabs list (see below for a visual).

Using Ctrl + Tab Option

Anitmated Gif (click to enlarge)

enter image description here


You are not overlooking anything,

This feature is not implemented yet.

There is feature request #946 registered for this issue. Keep an eye on it to see when it gets implemented.

While it is missing, you can use several workarounds, but there is no direct way of reordering files in the list ("Doc Switcher") you are asking about.