Create a case-insensitive regular expression from a string in Ruby

Solution 1:

You can use Regexp.escape to escape all the characters in the string that would otherwise be handled specially by the regexp engine."A man + a plan * a canal : Panama!"), Regexp::IGNORECASE)

or"A man + a plan * a canal : Panama!"), "i")

Solution 2:

Ruby regexes can interpolate expressions in the same way that strings do, using the #{} notation. However, you do have to escape any regex special characters. For example:

input_str = "A man + a plan * a canal : Panama!"
/#{Regexp.escape input_str}/i

Solution 3:

If you know the regular expression you want already, you can add "i" after the expression (eg /the center cannot hold it is too late/i) to make it case insensitive.

Solution 4:

A slightly more syntactic-sugary way to do this is to use the %r notation for Regexp literals:

input_str = "A man + a plan * a canal : Panama!"

Of course it comes down to personal preference.