Concatenate number with string in Swift

Solution 1:

If you want to put a number inside a string, you can just use String Interpolation:

return "first \(myVariable)"

Solution 2:

You have TWO options;

return "first " + String(myVariable)


return "first \(myVariable)"

Solution 3:

To add an Int to a String you can do:

return "first \(myVariable)"

Solution 4:

If you're doing a lot of it, consider an operator to make it more readable:

func concat<T1, T2>(a: T1, b: T2) -> String {
    return "\(a)" + "\(b)"

let c = concat("Horse ", "cart") // "Horse cart"
let d = concat("Horse ", 17) // "Horse 17"
let e = concat(19.2345, " horses") // "19.2345 horses"
let f = concat([1, 2, 4], " horses") // "[1, 2, 4] horses"

operator infix +++ {}
@infix func +++ <T1, T2>(a: T1, b: T2) -> String {
    return concat(a, b)

let c1 = "Horse " +++ "cart"
let d1 = "Horse " +++ 17
let e1 = 19.2345 +++ " horses"
let f1 = [1, 2, 4] +++ " horses"

You can, of course, use any valid infix operator, not just +++.