Is there a way to locate something relative to a grave?

In Persian, objects can be located in respect to a grave. For instance, and these are words that I've made up myself just to give you an idea of what I'm looking for:

Upper head region: Any place above the position of the head of the corpse.

Under feet region: The region after the feet of the corpse.

These are probably very vague definition, so please check the image that has been attached.

enter image description here

Edit: A sample sentence, in response to @mike65535:

Normally, the mourning ceremony begins with the crowd gathering in the "upper head" of the grave and performing religious rites, and then moving towards the "lower feet" for the family of the deceased to bid farewell.

Edit 2: In Persian, the words are بالا سر (read Bala Sar) and پایین پا (read Payeen pa)

enter image description here

Edit: Spelling

Solution 1:

I quote the following private email sent to me by a local authority cemetery officer in the UK:

It is possible to have 3 x cremation urns in the same plot. First one is interred at the head of the grave, 2nd in the middle and the 3rd at the foot end.

There doesn't appear to be a distinction between at the head end and what you call upper head region, because in the UK a grave would not normally be opened to put eg a cremation urn on the same level as and next to an existing coffin.