MongoDB GUI client (cross-platform or Linux) [closed]

The list of MongoDB GUI client apps on the official site is outdated: some clients are not supported, some are heavily bound to .NET and not runnable on Linux. And all of them lack the ability to edit stored documents (i.e. provide read-only access).

I need a GUI client that:

  1. Works on Linux (but not web);
  2. Is free;
  3. Supports documents editing.

Is there an app which satisfies these requirements?

Robomongo - crossplatform MongoDB GUI client.

Update: Mac OS X and Linux(as Debian/Ubuntu, RHEL/CentOS packages) versions released.

Update: Robomongo offically changed it's name and released two different products Studio 3T and Robo 3T. Old robomongo is now called Robo 3T. Studio is for professionals.

try umongo, has releases for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

enter image description here

Try MonjaDB

I have developed this tool for myself. I use this tool on Linux ( Eclipse ).

try Rock Mongo, written in php.