How to insert text in a td with id, using JavaScript


<script type="text/javascript">
function insertText () {
    document.getElementById('td1').innerHTML = "Some text to enter";

<body onload="insertText();">
            <td id="td1"></td>

append a text node as follows

var td1 = document.getElementById('td1');
var text = document.createTextNode("some text");

There are several options... assuming you found your TD by var td = document.getElementyById('myTD_ID'); you can do:

  • td.innerHTML = "mytext";

  • td.textContent= "mytext";

  • td.innerText= "mytext"; - this one may not work outside IE? Not sure

  • Use firstChild or children array as previous poster noted.

If it's just the text that needs to be changed, textContent is faster and less prone to XSS attacks (