Is it possible to visualize the right margin in Vim?
Is there any way to make Vim (or gVim, or both) highlight the right margin of the current buffer?
I have just begun to work with Vim for a while, and find it annoying not to have the right margin visible (say, at column 80).
Vim 7.3 introduced colorcolumn.
:set colorcolumn=80
It may be easier for you to remember the short form.
:set cc=80
There is no simple way to visualize a vertical edge for the
-margin in Vim 7.2 or earlier; starting with version 7.3,
there is dedicated colorcolumn
option. However, one can highlight
all characters beyond the 80-column limit using the :match
:match ErrorMsg /\%>80v.\+/
All we need to make it a general solution, is to build the match
pattern on the fly to substitute the correct value of the textwidth
:autocmd BufWinEnter * call matchadd('ErrorMsg', '\%>'.&l:textwidth.'v.\+', -1)
I've written a vimscript function in my .vimrc to toggle colorcolumn when I press ,8 (comma followed by 8, where comma is the defined leader for user-defined commands, and eight is my mnemonic key for 'show a margin at the 80th column):
" toggle colored right border after 80 chars
set colorcolumn=81
let s:color_column_old = 0
function! s:ToggleColorColumn()
if s:color_column_old == 0
let s:color_column_old = &colorcolumn
windo let &colorcolumn = 0
windo let &colorcolumn=s:color_column_old
let s:color_column_old = 0
nnoremap <Leader>8 :call <SID>ToggleColorColumn()<cr>
I've rewritten the answer of Jonathan Hartley for the older Vim versions like 7.2 as there is no colorcolumn
in older Vims.
highlight OverLength ctermbg=red ctermfg=white guibg=#592929
let s:OverLengthToggleVariable=0
function! ToggleOverLength()
if s:OverLengthToggleVariable == 0
match OverLength /\%81v.\+/
let s:OverLengthToggleVariable=1
match OverLength //
let s:OverLengthToggleVariable=0
" I like <leader>h since highlight starts with h.
nnoremap <leader>h :call ToggleOverLength()<cr>