New posts in zelda-breath-of-the-wild

How do I pick up the shrine orb in Kakariko Village?

How can I find ancient cores in Breath of the Wild?

Is there a max number of arrows you can have?

How durable are the ancient weapons Cherry makes?

Is there any way to view the completion percentage of the game?

Is there a way to get out of the tutorial zone without the glider?

What does the black goddess statue do and what is it?

How can I get chests out of the water?

How are Monster Variant appearances tied to the in-game progression?

Do shrine treasures count toward the completion percentage on the Sheikah Slate map?

Does a second One hit obliterator object actually exist?

If I don't pick up the heart container while leaving a dungeon, can I still get it?

Where does Hestu go after the first encounter? [duplicate]

How to befriend a dog?

What are all possible effects, and how they function?

How do I catch 'critters'?

Are there any missable sidequests?

Why am I exploding during lightning storms?

Can I pet dogs?

Can you do anything with the "gross food" in the garbage dump by the Ishto Sah Shrine?