New posts in xorg

Getting WebGL to run on an Amazon EC2 server

How do I configure a Wacom stylus on Ubuntu 17.04?

What's the difference between .Xresources and .Xdefaults?

Switching to another TTY after running startx and returning breaks Xorg

Adding a virtual screen to xorg.conf 11.04 (third display over vnc)

Xorg fails to start with Intel graphics

error: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY

How to restart x window (xorg?) when it's dead

Do I need a desktop to run a GUI?

Kubuntu 14.04LTS, Radeon RS690 (X1270), unable to use resolution of more than 1024x768

How to edit synaptics configuration? xorg.conf way doesen't work

Black screen after upgrading from 13.04 to 13.10 [closed]

How to enable "mirror" feature in the display settings using command line?

Why aren't my modifications to xkb working?

Using the Onboard VGA output with a PCIe video card. Both nVidia

Docker, X11 fails to open display

How do I make the USB monitor Lenovo Think Vision lt1421 work?

Ubuntu 16.04 blank screen after boot, AMD APU

Dual GPU, Dual monitor: second monitor black with a shadow of the mouse

How to change the color depth?