Ubuntu 16.04 blank screen after boot, AMD APU

For the past couple of Ubuntu releases the live CD has always worked fine, however after installation I would always get a blank screen on startup. I could reboot the system by blindly CTRL + ALT + F1 and sudo rebooting, so it's definitely the display/open source drivers.

To counter this, I have always had to boot into safe graphics mode (or add nomodeset, xforcevesa to the grub boot options) then install the proprietary AMD drivers. This solved the issue in the past, however now that Ubuntu 16.04 does not support the proprietary drivers, does anyone know of a way around this issue?

My laptop is a Lenovo Z575 with an AMD A6 APU. Most of the forum posts are not up to date enough for dealing with 16.04.

Any ideas? Thanks

Solution 1:

You may try adding nomodeset quiet splash to


I found that this worked, although I also had to specify the default resolution of my laptop GRUB_GFXMODE=1920x1080 to get it to work satisfactorily. Remember to sudo update-grub to get it to work on every boot.

There was also a post about the difficulties in using the AMD driver and 16.04

I am using a HP Pavilion based AMD-APU on 64bit 16.04