New posts in xdg

How can I get the (XDG) Default User Directories from Python?

xdg-open hogging the CPU by forking itself endlessly

How do I make the public folder not appear in the home folder of new accounts?

How to return from xdg-open within a shell script

How do mimeinfo.cache files relate to mimeapps.list?

Functions of xdg-user-dirs

What does XDG stand for?

google chrome. linux. XDG-OPEN keep asking me (forever) what to do with magnet links

Ubuntu 20.04.1 tracker-miner errors in Syslog

Weird XDG User Dir resetting bug

Problems with using xdg-mime default. The default was successfully set but it is not used via xdg-open

ubuntu-dock settings not accessible in gnome-control-center by default

How do I reset gnome-open/xdg-open to actually open with my preferred browser?

What is the replacement for gnome-open in GNOME? [duplicate]

How can I change the Desktop folder path? [duplicate]

Why do PDF documents open with ImageMagick?

How to define completely new xdg-user-dirs?

XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not owned by us (uid 0)

Ubuntustudio application menu, games category

How do I integrate my Windows filesystem with Ubuntu?