New posts in www

How do I administer /var/www?

Is it possible to disable the HTTP referer header being passed by browsers?

Is the www in web addresses a subdomain? [duplicate]

What is the recommended approach for mapping naked hosted domains through DDNS to www? [closed]

'/'var/www/' vs '/home/$USER/public_html'

How can I get the browser to prompt for duplicate file downloads?

How do I show www. and https:// in Chrome 79? [duplicate]

Cannot edit group-owned files as user belonging to that group

My web-app works when visited without a www prefixed to its domain, but it returns a 522 error when visited with a www prefix

Granting a sftp user access to a /var/www directory

XAMPP: cannot find /var/www/html

Does the meaning of the term WWW mean it has to be performed by HTTP servers- by definition? [closed]

Easy way to change apache www location

Grant a user permissions on www-data owned /var/www

to www or not to www [duplicate]

What is a hostname versus a computer name versus a subdomain versus www?

What is the purpose of the WWW subdomain?

Why shouldn't /var/www have chmod 777

What does wwws mean?