XAMPP: cannot find /var/www/html

The default DocumentRoot directory within the XAMPP installation is /opt/lampp/htdocs/. But if you have installed so called Apps or Add-ons (WordPress, MediaWiki, etc.) their DocumentRoot directories will be placed into /opt/lampp/apps/<app>/htdocs (/opt/lampp/apps/wordpress/htdocs, /opt/lampp/apps/mediawiki/htdocs, etc.).

The necessary information could be found in the article Configure Virtual Hosts from section HOW-TO Guides from the default page of XAMPP, which can be found at http://localhost.

enter image description here

In my opinion - under Linux - XAMPP makes the things unnecessarily complicated.

Update: Here is a simple relevant article:

  • How to setup a Virtual Host locally with XAMPP in Ubuntu