Fail to install Ubuntu 18.04 from USB to a brand new Acer Swift 1

This looks like some thermal issue with an overheating cpu core

But, Intel community forum shows that those issues are often caused by faulty bios microcode
And be solved by upgrading or downgrading the bios firmware...
That is what you should try first.

I had the same problem but Andrei's link on running Ubuntu from USB drive was helpfull. Here's the steps for installing Ubuntu from USB to Acer Swift 1 or for that matter any laptop with flash storage, instead of just running Ubuntu from USB.

The following steps worked for me so hope it's some use for you too. Once you have a Bootable Media of Ubuntu 18.04 USB, insert it in your computer and boot from it.

  1. Once you see the GRUB menu, select Install Ubuntu.
  2. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS installer should start. Choose your language and click on Continue.
  3. Select your keyboard layout and once you’re done, click on Continue.
  4. Mark the 'Minimal installation' checkbox. Then click on Continue. Don’t mark Install third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi hardware, MP3 and other media. Atleast I didn't and it worked for me, you get to isntall them later anyways.
  5. Now click on Yes to unmount all the mounted partitions.
  6. Now mark on 'Something else' and then click on Continue.
  7. Now the "tricky" part if you don't know what you are doing. You have to make some partitions. Your hard drive - which is probably listed as /dev/sda - should be selected at the bottom of the window as 'Device for boot loader installation'.
  8. Now you have to free some disk space in your hard drive. If you want, you can delete all the partitions. You can click on – button to delete a selected partitions.
  9. We will need two partitions. A EFI System Partition and a Root partition. Now we will create /dev/sdc2 EFI System Partition of 512MB and /dev/sdc3 EXT4 Journaling File System partition. Give it at least 20GB of space. You can click on the + button to create new partitions. For both partitions the Type for the new partition should be 'Primary' and Location for the new partition should be 'Begging of this space'. For EXT4 set as Mounting point "/".
  10. Once you’re done, click on Continue.
  11. Click on Continue to write the changes to the disk.
  12. Now select your time zone and click on Continue.
  13. Now fill in your details and click on Continue.
  14. The installation should start and in a few moments finish with out any hiccup.