New posts in wsdl

What is the difference between Type and Element in WSDL?

SSL client certificate in Maven

Generating Request/Response XML from a WSDL

How do you convert WSDLs to Java classes using Eclipse?

php soap client for uk mail webservice api?

how to generate web service out of wsdl

Generating HTML documentation from WSDL [closed]

Android WSDL/SOAP service client

Override Default Constructor of Partial Class with Another Partial Class

What's the difference between <binding> and <portType> in WSDL?

How to generate xsd from wsdl

Create an ASMX web service from a WSDL file

Create WCF service for unmanaged C++ clients

How to add custom Http Header for C# Web Service Client consuming Axis 1.4 Web service

Zeep create xs:choice element

Web service client given WSDL

Generating a WSDL from an XSD file

How can I dynamically switch web service addresses in .NET without a recompile?

JAX-WS Loading WSDL from jar

Can a WSDL indicate the SOAP version (1.1 or 1.2) of the web service?