New posts in asmx

"Asynchronous operations are not allowed in this context"

Why are Static Methods not Usable as Web Service Operations in ASMX Web Services?

calling an ascx page method using jquery

how to generate web service out of wsdl

Why global.asax Application_Error method does not catch exceptions thrown by ASMX service?

What is the difference between an web method and a wcf service?

Create an ASMX web service from a WSDL file

Asmx web service how to return JSON and not XML?

How to not serialize the __type property on JSON objects

Load data from Webservice (asmx) to jqgrid. Please help me

Web Services -- WCF vs. ASMX ("Standard")

ASMX Web Service slow first request

Return JSON from ASMX web service, without XML wrapper?

How to get JSON response from a 3.5 asmx web service

Is there some way to handle async/await behind an ASMX service?

Calling ASMX from jQuery asmx web service returning xml instead of json

Call non-static method in server-side from client-side using JavsScript

Enable ASP.NET ASMX web service for HTTP POST / GET requests

Getting RAW Soap Data from a Web Reference Client running in