New posts in workspaces

Different background or wallpaper per workspace Ubuntu 12.04 [duplicate]

How to automatically opening terminal windows & tabs, ssh and sudo su?

How do I move window to specific workplace via keyboard?

Switching displays while keeping windows in workspaces

VirtualBox traps CTRL-ALT when focused, interferes with workspace switching

Partially hidden workspace indicator in Ubuntu 17.10

How to start application in specific workspace programmatically on GNOME 3 [duplicate]

How to configure shortcuts for workspaces on MATE 1.6

How to have more than 4 desktop spaces in Ubuntu mate

Make workspaces horizontal?

How can I unbind Super+number (1,2,3, ...) from opening apps?

How can I disable workspaces for external monitor?

Workspace 1 to laptop screen and Workspace 2 on HDMI connected TV?

Getting visual feedback of workspace switch in xfce

Workspace Switching with gnome in ubuntu 17.10

Automatically switch to workspace with active application

How to save and restore workspace in Ubuntu 20.04?

How to save and restore a desktop layout in MATE

Move the application to another workspace in XFCE

How to move windows to another workspace without switching workspace?