New posts in workspaces

How to set a password for workspaces?

How to spawn/trigger a command upon entering specific workspace

Copy a window to multiple workspaces

How to make applications open on specific workspaces on startup?

Why are workspaces disabled by default?

How can I bind a key to cycle between workspaces?

How do I enable multi-row layout for the workspace switcher applet in Metacity?

Workspace indicator that works with more than 4 workspaces?

Can I modify the keyboard shortcut for workspace switching?

Application does not open in the same workspace when switched during loading

Xubuntu snap to window switching workspaces

Rearrange Workspaces in Ubuntu 20.04

Switch Workspace Shortcut Broken

18.04 (gnome) workspaces - How to manipulate (e.g. arbitrarily reorder) workspaces?

How to assign keyboard shortcut for moving to next virtual desktop in kde plasma 5?

Increase number of workspace with shortcuts on Ubuntu 18.04

Dynamic workspaces have stopped working?

Only 1 workspace in Unity 2D

How do I open specific applications on specific workspaces in Lubuntu 13.04

Is there a way to disable the workspace switcher in unity launcher? [duplicate]