New posts in wordpress-theming

How do I generate a custom menu/sub-menu system using wp_get_nav_menu_items in WordPress?

Wordpress how to use two variables for Post__not_in argument in a wp_query

Wordpress Docker won't increase upload limit

How do I create different editable sections within a WordPress page?

Adding custom image fields and other fields at the same time

Wordpress how to check if a post is the first post

pagination on custom post wp_query

WordPress path url in js script file

How to add Class in <li> using wp_nav_menu() in Wordpress?

Can Wordpress be replaced by a Framework like Django or Ruby on Rails?

Trying to get two parent divs in a container div to display in a row with one of the parent divs repeating multiple rows without affecting 2nd parent

Redirect after Login on WordPress

The requested URL /about was not found on this server

How to integrate WordPress template with CodeIgniter

Wordpress how to filter posts basing on custom field in certain post type

Get current category ID of the active page

WordPress asking for my FTP credentials to install plugins

How can I get the current page name in WordPress?