New posts in word-choice

"Transitioning" vs. "transitional" phase

It's a nice vista!

Soft spot for [something]?

"Kvell" word usage

A word / term for people who criticize others' behavior while exempting themselves from the same criticism

To avail oneself of an opportunity

Describing a well-respected person who is welcomed in a foreign country

"Death Panels" and "Job creators": Is there a word for these?

Two consecutive sentences that begin with in

Available or is available [duplicate]

Which sounds better?

Is there a single word that defines time is on your part/side/favor?

Word for someone that pays more for the same thing?

"Could not happen" vs. "could have not happened"

If someone thinks like you, can he or she be your 'alter ego'?

Do you "buy on" or "buy from" online webshops?

What is the most common name for the floor above the ground floor in Canada?

How to use "that is"?

What's the most common verb to use when you are undergoing medical exams?

How to use the word total properly? [closed]