New posts in wmi

Bug in WMI namespace for MicrosoftDNS Statistics class?

.vbs to tell time with Sapi but not interrupt given some open processes

How to retrieve Serial Number from Windows on new U/EFI box?

Win32_OperatingSystem.FreePhysicalMemory and $_.TotalVisibleMemory giving output in wrong units

Does WMI cause CPU Creep?

Difference between CurrentClockSpeed and MaxClockSpeed

Win32_LogicalDisk doesn't retrieve network drives from remote machines

Repair WMI on Windows 7

How to find a user in a specific group using wmi

How to detect current media type in CLI under Windows? (DVD-RW, BD-R, etc)

checking for missing values in WQL or (WQL/WMI filter to return `true` for desktops/servers, but `false` on laptops)

Useful WMI admin scripts

Detecting the number of processors

Where does `powercfg` get battery health information, and why isn't it in WMI?

Creating a WMI filter covering two classes

Get Screen resolution using WMI/powershell in Windows 7

Have issue with monitoring 32bit app pools running on 64bit IIS

WMI Rights required to read root\MicrosoftIISv2 in IIS7 with IIS6 compatibility mode

How can I get the GUID of my disc partitions?

How can I get the CPU temperature?