New posts in windows-xp

Looking for a new, free firewall (Sunbelt has a huge hole)

RAM 512MB + 512MB = ~700MB. What happened?

Shorter shortcuts for explorer context menu entries?

How can I get the encoding of my system?

Windows XP user name changed to USERNAME.COMPUTERNAME, now account is back to defaults

Search for files modifed on certain Date and Time range

If I refer to a local external USB drive by it's network UNC name (\\mycomputer name\SharedAsName) is there a performance penalty vs. referring to the local name (d:\)

How to protect against against data access if USB drive gets lost?

Single sign-on for a mixed-OS network

Permissions fail to change, even using sudo nautilus

Can't switch users in XP without logging off

Unable to deactivate windows xp by modifying the license in the registry

How can I uninstall Broadcom Bluetooth software that won't disappear in Windows XP?

ODBC: trouble removing system DSN

Shared Internet On LAN

Displaying Korean characters properly on a computer with English Windows XP

How to configure LAN controller to run at 1Gbps connectivity?

Sharing a printer over a LAN without making a guest account

Guidelines for troubleshooting high interrupt rate

Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM