New posts in windows-7

Is it safe to delete the "recovery" partition from my hard drive

Specify next boot to be into Safe Mode/WinRE via command line?

Changing the size of the Windows 7 taskbar

Pixelated screen followed by hard crash

64-Bit Supporting Processor and 3GB RAM. Should i go for Windows 8 32-bit or 64-bit?

Starting VirtualBox machines fails with "Unable to load R3 module ... VBoxDD.DLL (VBoxDD)"

Where can I download Powershell 2.0 for Windows 7?

Renaming computers via command prompt

"Error loading operating system": Win7/Vista

Restore Winamp Window Position

Is there any way to configure Windows 7 RDP to require a client certificate to login

How can I reset windows 7 file permissions?

Hide computer from list, but keep file sharing and remote desktop service running?

Windows 7 Mapped Network Drive Multiplying to Create Duplicates all the way to Z:

What's a good way to run a virtual copy of Ubuntu on Windows 7?

Upgraded users to Win7. Now getting "path not found" when saving files or opening attachments

Skype behaviour in the Windows 7 Superbar

quser does not exist on Windows 7?

How to bind left-shift+mouse-up/down-scroll to page-up/down in Windows 7

Install windows7 on Macbook Air - no sound