Hide computer from list, but keep file sharing and remote desktop service running?

Solution 1:

You can disable network discovery, which will prevent other computers on your LAN from connecting to your computer except by IP address.

If you do this, and someone opens Remote Desktop or Windows Explorer and types in your computer name, they will get an error message, because this removes your computer from the NetBIOS system. But even still, your computer may (at your option) be available for connecting to it over Remote Desktop Protocol or File Sharing (Samba) protocol. You will need to use the ipconfig command-line tool (or other means of obtaining your Private IP) to know which IP to connect to from your other PCs.

Note that an IP address is not security by any stretch of the imagination. A modestly-skilled person could very quickly discover the IP address of your computer and then connect to it, even if you disable network discovery. A simple script that tries to connect to a bunch of IP addresses in a loop will find your IP on the private network within minutes. If you are trying to protect your data from being accessed by other people on your network (or on the public Internet, if you are directly connected without a NAT in between), you need to set up a firewall, and at least password-based authentication for services you choose to expose (such as File and Printer Sharing).

Turning off network discovery is a bit like "hiding" your car keys in your sock drawer. Someone can still open the drawer, take the keys and drive your car. They just have to look for them a little bit first.

Solution 2:

To hide your computer name so that it does not display in your network:

In the command prompt, type in the command below and press Enter.

Net config server /hidden:yes

You will get a message saying “The command completed successfully”.

To unhide your computer name so that it does display in your network:

In the elevated command prompt, type in the command below and press Enter.

Net config server /hidden:no

You will get a message saying “The command completed successfully”.

Exit the command prompt and then restart the computer to apply changes.