New posts in vocabulary

What do you call the additional paper used during exam and homework?

Established as a rule through experimentation or statistics

What's an adjective that means "has high expectations"

Is it correct to say "In order to overcome this loss"?

Is there a noun meaning 'book of poetry/poems'?

What is the meaning of "later on the day"

Is there a word for a document with structure, such as a W2 or a lease?

What do you call a number formed by a sequence of repeating digits

Do you ever say "coffee with milk" or "coffee and milk"?

What do you call someone who's fascinated by machines?

Uncommon word describing India [closed]

What to call all single people?

Is medicine a humanity?What does the humanity here refer to?

What is the noun for "implore"?

Word for "under the support/help and protection of"

Is there a word for a multi-user attempt to grab something?

Is there a word for the towel on a waiter's arm?

"Slice" vs "Piece": when to use which? [closed]

Corn VS Sweetcorn in American English [closed]

What word describes the amount an object is filled to, regarding its capacity?