New posts in visual-studio-code

VS Code CSC : error CS1617: Invalid option '7.3' for /langversion

How to change UI language in Visual Studio Code?

Visual Studio Code only show the content inside the directory

VS code VIM extension copy and paste

Can I display a file with ANSI color escape sequences in Visual Studio Code?

Making Global Tasks in VS Code

How can I format documents that are not saved in visual studio code?

What is the difference between [pwsh] and [Powershell Integrated Console] on VS Code?

Does JSHint support async/await?

How to get VSCode to show TypeScript errors for files *not* open in the editor?

Can notepad be replaced with VS code?

How to connect TFS in Visual Studio code

Search in VS Code for multiple terms

vscode import error for python module

Shortcut key for switching between split panes

Git push from Visual Studio Code: "No anonymous write access. Authentication failed"

"ssh_askpass exec(/usr/libexec/openssh/ssh-askpass) no such file or directory" error when I try to push in Git repo using VS Code

How to disable ESlint parser error messages in VSCode?

How do I show reference count in Visual Studio Code?

VSCode overrides default HTML viewer